Feb 25, 2013

War Memorial in Nashville

The auditorium originally seated 2,200, with stunning design features and near perfect acoustics.

"Youth" is the name of the heroic statue which stands in the center of the courtyard holding a Nike in his open left palm, symbolizing victory in the war. Belle Kinney Scholz was the sculptor of the statue. She also built the Confederate Women's Monument at the southwest corner of the building.

To the south end of the large plaza in front of the War Memorial are monuments to the Korean War (built by Russ Faxon in 1992) and the Vietnam War Monument (built by Alan LeQuire in 1986; LeQuire also built the Parthenon’s Athena and the Music Circle’s Musica).

The military branch of the Tennessee State Museum is on the ground floor of the southern end of the building.

The building was recognized with a Gold Medal Award by the American Institute of Architecture (AIA) in 1925, the highest honor that the AIA can bestow.

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