Nov 27, 2013

Portuguese Synagogue | Amsterdam

Avinu Shebashamayim

God in heaven, Rock and Redeemer of Israel,
bless the State of Israel,
the first flowering of our redemption.
Shield it with Your love, spread over it Your canopy of peace;
provide light and truth to its leaders,
and direct them with Your good counsel.
Strengthen the hands of those who defend our Holy land,
deliver them and crown their efforts with triumph.
Bless our land with peace, O God,
and its inhabitants with lasting joy, and let us say, Amen.

AVINU SHE-BA-SHAMAYIM (Heb. אָבִינוּ שָׁבַּשָׁמַיִם; "Our Father in Heaven"), form of adoration frequently found at the beginning of prayers of petition, based on the rabbinic epithet of God as "Father in Heaven."