Jan 1, 2014

Arc de Triomphe | Triomfboog | Brussels

The Triumphal Arch in Brussels was built to serve as a monument to illustrate the glorious past of Belgium. It also was to serve as a new entrance gate to the center for people entering from the eastern side of Brussels.
The Central Archway is based on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. It was not completed in time for the 50th Anniversary of Belgian independence celebrations in 1880 but was finally finished in 1905. It was conceived as a gateway into the city and is crowned by the symbolic bronze sculpture of Brabant Raising the National Flag.
On both sides of the arch are two large exhibition spaces, which are connected to the bow by a colonnade decorated with colorful mosaics.
The arch is decorated at the base with statues that symbolize the 9 Belgium provinces back then.
It was designed by French architect Charles Girault.